Thursday, August 31, 2006

What's that smell?

For those of you who don't watch a Bear in the Big Blue House video every single day (multiple times, I confess...) you may not recognize this catchphrase. The Bear always starts the show with a sniff and then guesses what his viewers might smell of...pancakes? grass? clean pajamas?

If that Bear were to enter my house today he would say:
1 "Did your little boy just pee on you? Because your house smells like pee!"
2. "Did your little girl just do a poo in her nappy? Because your house smells lke poo!"
3. "Have you just been thrown up on? Because your house smells like baby puke!"
4. "Do you have a bucket of nappies waiting to be emptied? Because your house smells like 3 day old nappies!"

"No, wait..." (he'd say) "Do you have a dead bird in your chimney? Because your house SERIOUSLY smells of a dead rotting thing!"

"Or maybe you smell this bad all the time...


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