Tuesday, August 29, 2006

No screaming

The Boyo is finding his voice. When babies are new they don't make any noise but cry, then they start to make those lovely little coos and R2-D2 noises. and eventually they start to talk which is really cute. But in between there's an annoying stage where they shriek, not because they are upset, but just because they can. And we're at that stage.

That would be irritating on its own, but we already have one screamer in the house -- Bupsy. She screams primarily for one of 3 reasons:
1. She wants attention (because I am in the next room, or am talking to someone)
2. I am using a loud voice, like calling down the stairs to my husband, or getting frustrated about something (her screams are actually a good reminder for me to calm down and speak more quietly).
3. The Boyo is crying or screaming (which is like 1&2 combined -- she's not getting attention and there's a loud noise going on).
And as I said, there's a lot of #3 at the moment. So they are both screaming. A lot.

When the Bups screams (and let me be clear, this is not an "I'm hurt" scream) I either speak more quietly, ignore her, or get very close to her and say 'No screaming' in my Serious Mommy voice. But I thought it's not fair for her to get told off for screaming when he's doing it too. So I use the Serious Mommy voice on him, too. It feels very weird to be disciplining a not-quite 4 month old! In the name of fairness though, and rule-consistency, I do it. Of course, it doesn't make any difference. He keeps screaming.

So does she.



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