Wednesday, February 04, 2009


A certain someone (who shares my last name but not my DNA) recently made a BIG mistake.

The kind of mistake that carries with it a sizable fine. And requires attendance at a meeting on a day when we happen to be on vacation in another country. Which means while he returns to Ireland to deal with the problem, I am left to entertain 3 kids by myself. And by the way, it's the day we have to be out of our cabin by 10 am, meaning the kids and I have to find stuff to do in a public place until probably after 7 pm. Grrrrr.

BUT, he sorted it out! Fine paid, meeting cancelled, everything okay now, he remains with us on holiday. Oh, happy relief.

Except.... I was already thinking of ways he could make it up to me. Gifts. Days to myself. Multiple apologies.

I had the power, and the balance has shifted back to the middle. And that makes me a bit grumpy. Shallow, isn't it?


Pluto 5:39 AM  

I was interested to know what the "sizable fine" was. I sometimes get brownie points on the rare occasion I do something my wife really appreciates. However, I never know what the value of the points equate to. I do know, however, that they are time-limited and the value can go down :-(

Jo 12:12 PM  

Don't you still have a bit of power though? I mean, he did have to pay a fine.....even though he didn't desert you in a foreign country with the kids. I think you could still wriggle a little bit of power out of it. :-)

Dublin Mom 6:42 AM  

I am not allowed to divulge any more information on the size or nature of the fine. Something about telling the whole of the internet about his mistakes bothers him... And it turned out to be less than we originally thought, so now we are relieved and he probably thinks he's completely off the hook. Not the case, though.

Pluto 3:18 AM  

"He probably thinks he's completely off the hook." How naïve! Has he learned nothing about the way a woman's mind works??

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