Saturday, May 16, 2009


I have rosacea, a skin condition that makes my nose and cheeks red. All the time. On a good day, they are just red, on a bad day, I am very broken out. Most of the time my skin is somewhere in between. I wear make-up to cover it, but it doesn’t cover it up completely, and anyway, too much will just make me break out more.

So, it’s just one of those things. I still have to go out and talk to people, and try not to be too self-conscious and not think ‘Is this person noticing my red face? Is she having trouble concentrating on what I’m saying because of my skin?’ Like my complexion, some days are better than others, but usually I manage to go out and face the world, in spite of my face. :)

But THREE times I have been to the doctor about unrelated issues – once when I had a chest infection, once for my six-week check-up after childbirth, and once when Alannah had an ear infection—and heard:
‘Let’s talk about what’s going on with your face’ or
‘Would you like to do something about your face’ or
‘What’s wrong with your face?’

(umm, I may be mis-quoting here, but I’ll take poetic license that even if the question was phrased more gently, it still felt as bad as someone saying what’s wrong with your face?)

And for all the embarassment of having been asked the question, there's not much they can do anyway. So why not just politlely ignore it, like most people do?


Jo 8:28 AM  

It's funny...I don't think I ever noticed it and I knew you in the days before you wore makeup!
Which reminds me of that time Shawn & I tried to get you "dolled up" and we curled your hair, forced make-up on you, etc. I think there was one other girl participating in the project, but can't remember who. B/c I'm pretty sure Shawn and I alone were not prissy enough to disciple you all by ourselves. :-)
Ok, end of memory lane stroll. Miss you & your lovely face!

sherri 6:41 PM  

Good for you to not let the Rosacea rule, and I agree, the remarks were rude.

And I would love to visit Ireland, by the way. It is my dream destination.

My husband is Irish and my grown sons are VERY proud of their Irish Heritage. We would love to visit as a family.

Ali 1:56 PM  

I have to say, I never noticed when we met up in Dublin, and I'm not just saying that. Although I admit, I would have politely ignored it if I had. That's why I never made it as a doctor ;-)

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